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Click on one of the patients below to learn more about the personal impact of Dr. Schwartz's work. 

"I was recommended to Dr Theodore Schwartz when my ophthalmologist suspected a brain tumor was causing diminished vision in both eyes. I was afraid. Upon meeting Dr Schwartz, I was immediately impressed with his calm demeanor, intelligence, confidence, & compassion. I went into surgery with Dr. Schwartz in Dec. 2023, confident of a successful outcome. Dr Schwartz was able to remove the whole tumor, via the nose. It was a minimally invasive, 5 hour procedure, with a fairly quick recovery time. This man gave me my eyesight & my life back and I could never be more grateful to him. I highly respect & recommend Dr Schwartz to anyone. This man has hands of gold."

– M.C.


"Never did I imagine that I would feel comfortable with getting neurosurgery, but Dr. Schwartz made me and my family feel more comfortable than we ever thought possible. I went into my consultation not knowing if I even wanted to have surgery, and left an hour later knowing that I wanted Dr. Schwartz to do it. He made me feel seen and important. His compassion, kindness, and confidence throughout my entire experience is something I will never forget. If I ever had any questions, he would take the time to call me personally to answer them. Not only a great surgeon, but truly a great human being. Coming up on five months post-op and I am so thankful I put my trust in Dr. Schwartz. He is truly the best of the best!"

– L.S.

Dr. Schwartz was an answer to our prayers! I had a rare pineolblastoma brain tumor. I had four different opinions, and none wanted to operate because of the tumor's location and being a high grade. They felt it would have already spread. But what I found so valuable in Dr. Schwartz is his ability to see you as an individual, and not a textbook case. I feel he is very knowledgeable, but also has the experience that gives him discernment and maturity to treat you as a person. I was 37 at the time of the operation and after a successful operation, I have been able to enjoy my life the past 9 years. I am so grateful to him.

– J.V.

What do you say to someone who has saved your life? This man is not only a great surgeon, he is an absolute gentleman and as humble as anyone I have ever met. I have had 13 surgeries in my lifetime and I have never felt so confident about any surgery as I was with Dr. Schwartz. I could not have been in better hands. I'd bet my life on Dr. Schwartz and that hospital – and already have!!

– N.R.

Dr. Schwartz was recommended by the chief neurosurgical doctor at Yale New Haven as the only neurosurgeon capable of removing the remains of tumors from previous brain surgeries. Without the removal of the tumor on my optic nerve, I would have quickly gone blind. The surgery was extremely successful and the tumor on my optic nerve was completely removed. Thanks to Dr. Schwartz, I am able to see my husband, children, and grandchildren. There is no question that I highly recommend Dr Schwartz for his extreme competence, his professionalism and his caring. Thanking him and recommending him is the least I can do for the only doctor capable of saving my sight.

– N.M.


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